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Product number:
Chardonnay, Cortese
ABV Alcohol Content
The grappa "Giulia" of Berta comes from the distillation of the Chardonnay and Cortese grape-skins which come from the typical zones of these grapes, selectioned by the best producers.
Ideal at the end of meals with nougat, sweets or chocolates. Ideal liqueur to accompany after meals with nougat, sweets or tasty chocolates.
Product sheet
A soft vein, hues of vanilla and tropical fruit.
Service Temperature
14-16 °C
Distillation System
Discontinuous in copper steam boilers
12 months in Slavonian oak barrels
Store in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources.
Don't smoke the "Cigar" with Grappa Monovitigno of Grappa Sibona, you sip it!This glass cruet contains fine Grappa Sibona Monovitigno, an original gift idea to share with friends.
The "Valdavi" grappa comes from the Moscato grape-skins and distilled in the traditional way using copper steam-boilers. After which it passes into stainless-steal baths for about 3/6 months.
It expresses an elegant fragrances, harmonies and pronounced with a soft and pleasent aromatic taste.
The "Bimba" grappa is produced from the best selections of the mosto of the grapes. It is distilled using the traditional method in copper-steam boilers and then laid to rest in stainless-steel from 3/6 months. It expresses an elegant fragrance, harmonious, soft and round to the taste with hints of roses and woodland fruits.
The grappa "Giulia" of Berta comes from the distillation of the Chardonnay and Cortese grape-skins which come from the typical zones of these grapes, selectioned by the best producers.
The "Nibbio" grappa comes from the skins of the Barbera and is distilled in the discontinued method in copper-steam boilers. It is then put into stain-less steal cylinders for 3/6 months.
It expresses an elegant and harmonious fragrances. It is soft and round with hints of fresh flours and undergrowth to the mouth.