The right compromise to taste Gobino's best assorted pralines!
An assorted box with pralines, giandujotti, cialdine, cremini, tourinot, dragées and ricoperti.
The choice of top-quality raw materials (cocoa beans from Venezuela, Ecuador, Sao Tomé and Mexico, IGP hazelnuts from the Langhe and milk from the Piedmontese supply chain) and the focus on cutting-edge processes have enabled Gobino to win numerous international awards and become a brand of made-in-Italy chocolate known in Europe as well as in the United States and Japan.
For moments of meditation or a special gift.
Ingredienti: zucchero, massa di cacao, burro di cacao, LATTE intero in polvere, NOCCIOLA Piemonte IGP, MANDORLA di Sicilia, zenzero candito (zenzero, zucchero, antiossidante: sodio METABISOLFITO), mirtilli rossi canditi (mirtilli rossi, zucchero, olio di girasole), uva sultanina, cacao in polvere, cacao magro in polvere, caramello (zucchero), PISTACCHIO di Sicilia, pesca disidratata in polvere, frutti di bosco disidratati in polvere (mora, lampone, mirtillo), fragola disidratata in polvere, mango disidratato in polvere, pera disidratata in polvere, burro concentrato (LATTE), granella di cacao, granella di amaretti (zucchero, mandorle di albicocca, albume d’UOVO, proteine del LATTE, agenti lievitanti: sodio bicarbonato, ammonio bicarbonato, aromi), liquirizia in polvere (liquirizia, sciroppo di glucosio, sciroppo di zucchero di canna), sale marino integrale, caffè in polvere, scorza di arancia, lime in polvere disidratato, estratto naturale di vaniglia, emulsionanti: lecitine di girasole e SOIA, agenti di rivestimento: gommalacca e gomma arabica, sciroppo di glucosio, saccarosio. Può contenere GLUTINE, NOCE PECAN e ARACHIDE. Conservare in luogo fresco a 18-20 °C.
Product sheet
Store at room temperature, away from heat and light sources. After opening store in the fridge and consume within a few days.
An assorted box with pralines, giandujotti, cialdine, cremini, tourinot, dragées and ricoperti.The choice of top-quality raw materials (cocoa beans from Venezuela, Ecuador, Sao Tomé and Mexico, IGP hazelnuts from the Langhe and milk from the Piedmontese supply chain) and the focus on cutting-edge processes have enabled Gobino to win numerous international awards and become a brand of made-in-Italy chocolate known in Europe as well as in the United States and Japan.
The history of this chocolate sheet is linked with the Piedmont Hazelnuts I.G.P. that are selected and toasted and subsequently covered by a pouring of extra dark chocolate.
The history of this chocolate sheet is linked to Piedmont IGP hazelnuts, which, carefully selected and toasted, are covered with a pour of the best 75% Extra Dark Chocolate.
The Fogli Nocciolati, now a symbol of the Guido Gobino selection, are produced by combining the best Piedmont IGP hazelnuts, selected and roasted in the Turin laboratory, mandrole, pistachios and walnuts with a rich layer of 63% Extra Bitter Blend Dark Chocolate.An original gift idea that stands out for its quality and size from the classic chocolate bars.
The history of this chocolate sheet is linked with the Piedmont Hazelnuts I.G.P. that are selected and toasted and subsequently covered by a pouring of Gianduja chocolate.
The history of this chocolate sheet is linked with the Piedmont Hazelnuts I.G.P. that are selected and toasted and subsequently covered by a pouring of extra fine milk chocolate.
Available, delivery time: 1-3 days
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