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Grappa Mazzetti d'Altavilla

Grappa Mazzetti d'Altavilla

Grapperia Mazzetti d’Altavilla, 170 years of the best Piedmont distillations of quality.

Mazzetti d’Altavilla represents the 200 year old grapperia situated in the heart of the Monferrato, in Piedmont, where the Piedmont distillation of quality is created, decantered in the various proposals of the Mazzetti family for nearly 170 years, through seven un-interrupted generations dedicated to the art of distillation. Young and aged Grappe, Acquaviti d’Uva, Italian Brandy and also Liqueurs, Fruit Liqueurs, Zuccherini Spiritosi Zen: a wide range of products which the Casa Mazzetti cure to the minimum detail of quality and packaging to present the clients with a confection adapt for every occasion.

“Tradition and Re-newal” is the slogan which animates Mazzetti d’Altavilla, a company which still conserves today since the founding the philosophy “terrori” (land) distilling only the most noble of the Piedmont grape-skins (marc).  This is where the Grappa was born, the distillation of the flag, also an excellent base for cocktails. With the arrival of Autumn the distillation becomes frenzic at the top of the hill in Altavilla Monferrato where the grapperia is invaded with the fragrance of the Piedmontese grapes which arrive here and are transformed following a now antique custom. At the company there is a turist welcoming service together with a cultural and artistic welcome. The antique family home, built around a country and panoramic scene is very suggestive, gently rocked by the sweet slopes of cultivated vine-yards, and surrounded by a park in which we find the Votiva Chapel “La Rotonda”, an architectural jewel that dates back to the beginning of the 1800’s. The arrival of the visitors is to teach them the art through an exhibition which is situated in the gallery at the entrance and with evermore requests of guided tours (to book in advance) which permits to visit the Distilleria and the Barricaia. The final moment is the tasting of the Distillations (also in an unedited “sensuous form”) and all the products of Casa Mazzetti.  The tasting can also be effectuated at the new Grappa Store di Marcallo, near Milan. 

Roots, passion and qualità are the soul, since 1846, of the Mazzetti Family.

Because distilling is not just an activity. It is an art.