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Grappa Marolo

Grappa Marolo

The results beer witness to Paolo Marolo's comprehension of the workings of nature, and to his ability, through the skillful creation of these fine spirits, to bring out the personalities of the grapes in their fullest expression.

Paolo Marolo is the inspired orchestrator of grappa distillation, arranging harmonies of aroma and flavor through a sensitive balancing of technique and passion. Using his nose, his hands and his palate, he creates elegant variations on the theme of grappa, ensuring that each bottling-- from each year's harvests of grapes from various renowned wine regions of italy--is original and unique. The grappas of Paolo Marolo are essentially the fruit of his great love for his work as a "Mestro Grappaiolo".

Marolo's first grappas were born in 1977 from the desire to transform a traditional, often rustic product into an excellent example of the distiller's art. From that time on, he has consistently worked with the pomaces of noble grape varieties to make spirits that exalt the special qualities of each variety. Marolo's distillery is not automated, and so he attentively surveys every phase of the distillation process, his meticulous craftsmanship adapting knowingly to the various characteristics of the pomaces that are used. The results bear witness to Paolo Marolo's comprehension of the workings of nature, and to his ability, through the skillful creation of these fine spirits, to bring out the personalities of the grapes in their fullest expression. 

Marolo's Santa Teresa distillery works closely with wineries in Various regions to ensure that only the freshest pomace is used. Two small discontinuous 'bain marie" stills are employed, one for white wine pomace and the other for the red wine pomace. This method of production means that Santa Teresa cannot distill large quantities of spirits, but it allows Marolo to capture optimally the diverse and well-defined characteristics of excellent raw materials he uses.
Through long and careful aging in barrels of acacia and oak, Marolo's Barolo grappa acquires the elegance in its aromas and amber color that make it a precious gem of the distillery's production. Today the Santa Teresa distillery is testimony to Paolo Marolo's ability to create an artful fusion of artisanal, traditional techniques with modern equipement. Marolo's vision also means giving his beautifully fashioned grappas the benefit of a marketing approach that reflects a perspective of looking ahead to a future of grappa-making that will be efficient and dynamic.

Marrying tradition and modernity, Marolo's constant search for new images to reflect the character of his grappas led to the choice of maestro Gianni Gallo as designer of the labels. The exquisite images, which artfully complement the traditional classic shape of the bottles retained by Marolo, have done their part toward contributing to the history of the distillery.